* Involuntary Leave: non-academic
The dean may impose an involuntary leave in appropriate circumstances, such as where a student's behavior: (1) has, or threatens to, cause significant property damage; (2) significantly disrupts the Caltech community; (3) presents a substantial risk of harm to self or others; (4) indicates the student is unable or unwilling to carry out self-care obligations; or (5) violates a Caltech policy or the honor system. An involuntary leave also may be imposed when that the student requires a level of care from the Institute community that exceeds the reasonable accommodations, resources and staffing that the Institute can reasonably be expected to provide for the student's well-being.
Review and Decision Process
In making an informed decision to place a student on involuntary leave in such circumstances, the dean will conduct an individualized assessment and consider relevant information including information provided in a timely manner by the student. If the conduct has been the subject of an investigation under an Institute process or procedure, the dean will consider the findings and conclusions reached in that process.
The dean may consult with other Institute personnel, including but not limited to, security and residential life personnel, staff, faculty, and other individuals or departments. If appropriate and feasible, the dean may seek cooperation and involvement of parents or guardians of the student.
Medical information, including medical information provided in a timely manner by the student, may be considered if the behavior is associated with a physical or mental condition. In appropriate cases, the dean may consult with the director of Wellness Services, or designee, and/or require a physical or mental evaluation from a health professional if the dean believes such an evaluation is necessary to make an informed decision. Students are expected, if necessary, to sign a release of information to facilitate discussions between Caltech and the health professional conducting the evaluation. The dean will also consider whether relevant risk factors can be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through reasonable accommodation.
Written Decision
The student will be advised in writing of the decision to impose an involuntary leave. The dean may stipulate conditions that must be met before the student may return. An involuntary leave may be a permanent separation from the Institute (i.e. expulsion); for a specific duration or until certain conditions have been met. If the involuntary leave is not a permanent separation, the student will be advised of the length of the leave and/or any conditions for return.
A decision by the dean to place a student on involuntary leave may be appealed in writing within ten days to the vice president for student affairs (or designee). If the leave is imposed as a sanction resulting from a finding of responsibility under an Institute process any applicable limitations on grounds for appeal will apply.
Emergency Leave
If the dean determines that a student's continued presence is likely to pose a substantial risk to the safety and well-being of the student or others, the dean may place the student on an emergency interim leave before a final determination is made. The dean will make reasonable attempts to meet with the student and consider relevant information, including in appropriate cases medical information provided by the student, before deciding on an emergency interim leave. An emergency interim leave will remain in effect until a final decision has been made.
While on Leave
A student placed on involuntary leave as a disciplinary sanction will not be allowed to participate in Caltech educational activities, programs or services without the express permission of the dean or designee. Requests for an exception to this policy should be discussed at the time of the leave decision, and a “Petition to Participate While on Leave” must be approved prior to any such participation. Failure to gain permission, and consequently being active on campus, will be taken into consideration when a student on involuntary leave applies to return. The same applies to students placed on involuntary medical leave.
Students wishing to return to Caltech are required to complete the return from leave form located on the Deans Website: https://deans.caltech.edu/AcademicSupport/forms six weeks prior to the date they plan to return.
Return from Leave
A student on involuntary leave will not be allowed to return until the dean makes a fact-specific assessment of the circumstances, considers relevant risk factors, and concludes that the student does not pose a significant disruption to the functioning of the Institute community and/or does not pose a substantial risk to the health and safety of the student or others. The dean will consider relevant information, including information provided by the student. In cases where a student has a physical or mental condition associated with the behavior triggering the leave, the dean will also consider whether the relevant risks can be eliminated by a reasonable accommodation. The student will be notified in writing if the dean determines that the student will not be permitted to return from a leave or will be permanently separated from the Institute.
* If you are a student-athlete, it is strongly recommended that you have a conversation with the Director of Athletics.
* If you are an international student, you must discuss your leave and return plans now with the ISP office to make certain any visa issues are resolved.
*If you currently live in Institute Housing, you will need to submit an Intent to Vacate form (https://housing.caltech.edu/undergrads/undergraduate-moving-out/form) to notify us of your last day in residence. You should do this at least 15 days before you leave, or as soon as you know your departure date (if you already know when you will leave campus, please take care of it now and get it out of the way!). Once you have fully vacated your assignment, you will then need to submit a Check Out form (https://housing.caltech.edu/undergrads/undergraduate-moving-out/housing-check-out-form) so that we know you’re fully moved out and can turn over the room. For any questions or conflicts regarding your departure date or timeline, please contact the Housing Office immediately so that we have the most time to assist you. *If you have a housing contract/reservation, but have not yet moved in, you will need to submit an Intent to Vacate form and select “Cancellation” to cancel your reservation (https://housing.caltech.edu/undergrads/undergraduate-moving-out/form)
Caltech considers students on an approved leave to be matriculated; however, students on leave for any reason are not currently enrolled and therefore do not enjoy all the rights and privileges of enrolled students. Unenrolled students, and accordingly, students on leave, have limited access to Caltech's educational activities, programs, and services. In some cases, the dean or designee may also require that unenrolled students apply for permission in advance of visiting campus.
Students on leave should only be on campus as an occasional visitor. Students on leave may not attend classes or labs, live in Institute housing, retain leadership positions, or access certain student resources, including Student Wellness Services or Residential Experience activities or programs during their leave.
They also may not obtain employment or do volunteer work on campus unless they have been given permission to do so via an approved “Permission to Participate while on Leave” Form: https://deansoffice.wufoo.com/forms/request-to-participate-while-on-leave/. Failure to gain a dean’s permission to be active on campus will be considered when a student on any type of leave applies to return.
Career Advising and Experiential Learning (CAEL) is, by default, open to all students who have not been permanently separated from the Institute, regardless of leave or enrollment status, unless otherwise revoked by the Director of CAEL or the deans' office.
Students may consult with their advisor and otherwise plan for their academic future; however, they will not receive credit for courses unless they are properly enrolled. Students who are on leave are still subject to all Institute policies, including the Institute Sex- and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy. Violations of policy while on leave may affect a student's eligibility to re-enroll.